7:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. |
Pre-Registration Check-in / Vendors |
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. |
Continental Breakfast |
8:00 a.m. – 8:25 a.m. |
Opening and Conference Welcome |
Opening Session |
8:25 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
Superintendent Panel: Taking Action: Providing Equity for African American Students |
Session A 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Location: Starboard Room
Presenter: Teacher T. J. Long
Session Title: I Used to Think, However Now I Know!"
Session Abstract: The trauma of some of students is sad to witness. The outward appearance, at some point, comes inside our classrooms. Many teachers are faced with the question of how to meet academic mandates regarding student achievement; maintain a functional and safe environment all while keeping our wits about ourselves as a classroom teacher. Times have changed and so must our thinking. This workshop is designed to provide primary classrooms with ideas, strategies and real time conversations on how can to create a classroom that communicates to students, "you are safe and you are brilliant!"
Objectives: At the end of the session, participants will be able to 1. Craft strategies that will fit the needs of their classrooms. 2. Use Social Emotional Stories to support our youngest learners 3. Communicate care to families.
Location: Terrace Room
Presenter: Anthony Ceja, San Diego County Office of Education
Session Title: Building Relationships: Restorative Practices
Session Abstract: Restorative Practices will provide participants with a clearer understanding of restorative practices, and how these practices can be used in schools to develop more positive relationships between school staff and students, as well as between students with each other. Participants will learn how restorative practices can be used to decrease stereotypes, and to promote the social emotional well-being and equity in the school community. Participants will increase skills and strategies they can use to strengthen classroom and positive school culture.
Location: Dockside Room
Presenters: Dr. Angela Clark Louque and Dr. Reyes Quezada
Session Title: Give the People What They Want: Equity Partnerships and Engagement
Session Abstract: Equity-driven school leaders foster a partnering culture in which African American families, schools, and communities cultivate an environment that supports adults engaged in affective and effective relationship building, goal achievement, and equitable collaboration in support of students (Clark-Louque, Lindsey, Quezada, Jew, 2019). In too many instances, disparities in educational outcomes and inequitable treatment have strained the relationship between African American families and schools. However, African American families continue to engage in activities they believe will help their children achieve academic success in schools. We present concepts on family and community engagement through the lens of the Cultural Proficiency Framework. Therefore, this presentation is designed to focus our efforts as educators on inclusive ways to engage African American communities served by our schools. Three key components of the presentation are:
We will review pre-assessments, high-impact strategies, and research-based resources that are used to build capacity for African American families to stay engaged with their children’s education. We will review preassessments, strategies, and research-based resources to strengthen your commitment and guide you through the initial development of a Cultural Proficiency Equity Action Plan so one may learn how to best plan, implement, and evaluate African American family, school, and community engagement and partnerships.
Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1) identify what African American parents and families want from schools and how they want to be engaged; ; apply the 7 C's cultural proficient concept for engaging African American families; and 3) reflect on practices and engage colleagues in dialog in assessing strategies and resources.
Location: Coral Room
Presenters: Starla Lewis and Ishe
Session Title: "I Am My Own Self Validation"
Session Abstract: The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with creative tools and strategies for student engagement that build a positive learning environment where every student will excel and succeed. Themes addressed in this workshop include how to build safe and inclusive spaces for students with diverse learning needs; how to utilize interdisciplinary and culturally relevant pedagogy to maximize students’ potential; and how to integrate art as a means to increase student retention and engagement. The goal of the workshop is to help educators increase their ability to support students in making more meaningful connections to school culture, the curriculum, their peers, their teachers and themselves.
Location: Anchor Room
Presenter: Dr. Regina Brandon, San Diego State University
Session Title: Assistive Technology It’s The Law!
Session Abstract: IDEA requires that ALL students with an IEP be considered for Assistive Technology. The IEP team makes decisions about assistive technology devices and services based on your child’s unique needs so that he can be more confident and independent. The law requires schools to use assistive technology devices and services "to maximize accessibility for children with disabilities." This presentation/workshop will focus on the IDEA law that requires the IEP teams consider the Assistive Technology needs of all children with disabilities.
Session B 10:50 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Captains Room
Presenter: Jessica Smith Goode, Executive Leadership Coach, San Diego County Office of Education
Session Title: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leadership
Session Abstract: How do we cultivate academically engaging and rigorous environments for African American students to thrive? In this interactive session, we will explore what it looks like to engage in culturally responsive moves that reflect high expectations and beliefs about all students' capabilities; and create a culture of inclusivity, equity, and accountability for learning.
Location: Starboard Room
Presenters: Quincey Penn & Stacy Howard
Session Title: Equitable Assessment Tools: How To Make Culturally Relevant Class Exams
Session Abstract: This is the method, process, and results of a collaborative assessment model used to provide students the opportunity to use their personal cultural relevant knowledge to meet curriculum requirements. Many students of color struggle with test anxiety and test discrimination often leading to achievement gaps among their counterparts. This model uses community base problem solving as a tactic to get students to synthesize information using their own personal experiences and culture. Students will experience productive struggle to foster persistence and creative think. In result, educators can identify each individual student level of comprehension regarding the specified subject, and in addition, learn more about their cultural lens.
Objectives: Participants will be informed of pillars to provide cultural relevant test/benchmarks to encourage students to synthesize information using their own cultural and experiences. Participants will be able to discover different ways to implement productive struggle to enhance the student experience in the classroom. Participants will be informed how to gauge student understanding without having to use traditional test.
Location: Terrace Room
Presenters: Jill Andersen & Duryea Jones
Session Title: Supporting Struggling Learners in a Rigorous Environment
Session Abstract: Schools often struggle with providing a rigorous education to students who are academically struggling. This session will provide an example of how to create a Response to Intervention system that provides support for all students at their level, to help close the achievement gap, through a Reading Enrichment Math class, while maintaining a high level of rigor in all classes. Strategies will be provided to increase reading comprehension for ALL learners across all curriculums school wide.
Objectives: Assess their site’s current level of intervention reading and math support. Create school wide systems to provide opportunities for intensive intervention within the school day bell schedule.
Location: Dockside Room
Presenters: Jenée Peevy & Anna Schen, San Diego County Office of Education
Session Title: Filling Your Cup: Self-Care for Educators, Parents and Caregivers
Session Abstract: Educating and caring for our young people is a calling that attracts some of the most hard-working and dedicated people. In a job where physical, mental and emotional demands are par for the course, committing to self-care is essential to combating compassion fatigue. In this workshop educators, parents and caregivers will learn the importance of practicing self-care. Self-care means filling your cup with rest, exercise and healthy food choices as well as treating yourself with kindness, understanding and patience. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Location: Coral Room
Presenter: Earl Edwards, Policy Link
Session Title: The State of Black Students: Examining the Academic and Health Outcomes of Black Children as a Disproportionately Vulnerable Population in California
Session Abstract: Black children are one of the most vulnerable student populations in California. This session examines the academic and mental health outcomes of Black youth in California, and explores the impact structural racism and implicit bias have on servicing young Black boys and girls. The session will be interactive and focus on how the expanded learning community can better support Black youth.
1. Participants will learn about structural racism and implicit bias’ impact on serving black youth
2. Participants will leave with tangible ideas for helping support Black youth.
Location: Anchor Room
Presenters: Dr. Frank Harris, San Diego State University
Session Title: Unpacking Distrust, Disdain, and Disregard of Black Males: Lessons
Learned from "Black Minds Matter"
Session Abstract: The purpose of this session is to raise the consciousness of educators who work with and engage Black males in community colleges. The presenters will highlight the role that the D-Three Effect has on the success of Black boys and men in education, from preschool to the community college. This will entail examples that demonstrate how Black students experience distrust, disdain, and disregard in the classroom. Strategies for improving the success of Black male students will be discussed.
LUNCH 12:05 p.m. - 1:05 p.m.
Session C 1:10 pm – 2:25 pm
Location: Starboard Room
Presenters: Dr. Odesma Dalrymple, Dr. Joi Spencer, Dr. Perla Myers, University of San Diego
Session Title: Coming Together as a Community to Nurture Students in STEAM through Culturally-Rich Strategies
Session Abstract: Preparing historically disadvantaged minority students for professions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, enriched through the Arts (STEAM), is a community effort. We want students to know that they are capable in STEM, and to have important resources and information about requirements and pathways leading to STEAM degrees and careers. This presentation highlights two tandem efforts designed to invite, support, and engage the community to support this student population through culturally-rich strategies:
This workshop begins with an overview of the two programs, followed by several hands-on STEAM activities. The session ends with a conversation and participants' brainstorming and exploration of culturally-rich strategies to engage students in STEAM.
Location: Terrace Room
Presenters: LeShane O. Saddler, Director of Admissions; Azizi James, Associate Director of Admissions, University of California San Diego
Session Title: Preparing students to be a competitive applicant for selective institutions
Session Abstract: As the applicant pool to selective institutions continue to increase, it is important for students to understand how to prepare themselves to be a competitive applicant. During this session, we will share strategy and best practices that you can share with your students, including information about how applications are reviewed and common mistakes made by applicants, recommendations for programs high school and community college students should consider participating in to add value to their application, and a year by year road map to follow in their pursuits of higher education.
Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Location: Dockside Room
Presenter: Olympia Kyriakidis, Ed.D., Senior Director, Multilingual Education and Global Achievement SDCOE
Session Title: Multilingual Opportunities for African American Students
Research demonstrates multilingualism is linked to enhanced academic and social skills for African American students. In this interactive session, participants will explore multilingual pathways to the California Seal of Biliteracy, and how these opportunities can prepare African American students for a global, competitive workforce.
Location: Anchor Room
Presenter: Ciria I Brewer, San Diego Unified School District
Session Title: Importance of Cultural Identity Based Clubs
Session Abstract: Everyone has a cultural identity. Knowing where we come from gives us a sense of belonging and a sense of self. The growth of a strong and stable sense of self, across a range of identity dimensions, is central to adolescent development. Ethnic & racial identities are an important part of how we see ourselves and how others see us. Cultural identity-based clubs allow students - especially those who identify with historically underserved populations - to explore, learn about, and share their cultural identity in a safe and supported environment.
The more students have a safe place to explore their identity and cultural background, the more they engage in school, community, and succeed academically.
Objectives: In this session participants will explore their own identities & cultures, discuss the importance of this exploration, learnings, and expression to better understand the importance of identity-based clubs in our schools.
Participants will learn how student voice can be lifted through identity-based clubs and how adult allies can support their development and sustainability.
Participants will hear from youth currently involved in various types of cultural identity-based clubs (with a focus on BSUs), how they are involved, why they are involved, and how we as the adults, can better support.
Location: Coral Room
Presenter: Dr. Tanis Starck, San Diego State University
Session Title: Reaching Every Student “Embracing Diversity and Inclusion through Cultural Awareness”
Session Abstract: Pending Abstract
Closing Student Lead Discussion 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
What is it About Me You Can’t Teach?
Student Voices Panel - BSU students forom various school throughout San Diego County.