On May 25, 2010, the San Diego County Association of African American Educator’s (AAAE) presented the Blueprint to Accelerate the Achievement of African American and African Students to the Board of Education. The Board directed the Superintendent to convene a Task Force to review and provide input on the Blueprint.
Following the summer break, the Superintendent convened a Blueprint Task Force comprised of AAAE members, district staff, union leaders and community organization representatives. The Blueprint Task Force held several meetings and established Four Focus Areas:
On November 9, 2010, the Board of Education was updated on the progress of the Task Force and approved in concept the Blueprint to Accelerate Achievement of African American and African Students. The Task Force will continue to meet and develop recommendations that include scope, proposed actions related to each of the four Focus Areas, budgetary implications, a prioritized implementation plan, and a proposed timeline to address the needs of our African American and African students. All recommendations will be developed to complement and comply with federal mandates, California Education Code, district policy, collective bargaining agreements and other authoritative directives. Recommendations will also be built to support the staffing and budgeting realities of the district during this prolonged statewide fiscal crisis.