The Association of African American Educators, San Diego County (AAAE) was founded with two primary
- To advocate for equity in educational opportunities and outcomes for African American students.
- To insure equal opportunity and fairness for African American staff within the ethnically diverse school districts of San
Diego County.
To accomplish these purposes, AAAE will fulfill the following functions:
- Support educational programs that enable African American students to realize their highest potential.
- Assist African American students in developing a sense of responsibility toward self, others and society.
- Support improvement of educational conditions for all students.
- Promote increased understanding and valuing of African American history and culture.
- Stimulate professional and personal growth of members by encouraging participation in appropriate
- Interpret to the broader community the needs and desires of the African American community as they relate to educational
matters, and conversely, interpret and clarify for the African American community, the goals and policies related to students of African descent of the greater San Diego County school
- Serve as a resource to the Superintendents of San Diego County School Districts, in interpreting the educational needs of
African American students; and provide assistance to teachers, other school employees, administrators, supervisors and districts as a whole in fulfilling the educational needs of African American